New Vision

October 15, 2023  


About 176 million Americans, around 54% of the total population, identify as Christians. Only 73% of them, 128 million, or 39% of the total population say they are born-again. Only 8% of the 128 million, around 10.5 million, have a Christian Biblical World View. That would be around 3% of the entire American population. – Barna Research


A Christian World View is knowing, believing, and obeying the Moral Commands in the 10 commandments and Old Testament along with the Commandments of Jesus in the New Testament. This is what we’d call traditional Judeo-Christian Values. A Christian World View also includes the following beliefs and much more; Jesus is the Son of God who always existed, the only way to heaven is through Jesus, there is a heaven and a hell, God will judge the living and dead…


You can’t have a Christian World View unless you become a True Disciple of Jesus who believes and follows His commandments. That means only 8% of born-again Christians in America are True Disciples of Jesus.


We Exist to See a City Connected with God


To Create a Multiplying Movement of Disciples Making Disciples


Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. New Living Translation


Matthew 28:20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” New Living Translation  


Jesus commanded us to Read, Listen to and Obey the Bible (John 15:1-10), to Deny Our Desires and Follow His Commands (Matthew 10:38-39),to Seek His Kingdom Above all else (Matthew 6:33), to Be Ready for His Return (Luke 12:40), to Love and Obey Him Above Any Other Person (Matthew 10:37), to Love One Another and Our Enemies (John 13:34-35 & Matthew 5:44-46), to Forgive Everyone (Mark 11:25-26), to Serve Others (Matthew 20:26-28), to Stay Sexually Pure (Matthew 5:28-30),to Go and Make Disciples Teaching Them to Obey All Jesus Commanded (Matthew 28:18-20)


Weekends + Groups ⏩ Growth Track ⏩ Dream Team


10 Year Picture – We Will Accomplish this by 2033: Our Massive, God Sized Vision is to see this Movement Grow to 10,000 People in 10 Years! We believe that when we Multiply our Ministry through Disciples Making Disciples, this is not only Possible, but it is just Scratching the surface of what God can do!


If 5 people invested in 5 people a year and those 5 people invested in 5 people: Year 1: 25, Year 2: 125, Year 3: 625, Year 4: 3,125, Year 5: 15,625, Year 6: 78,125, Year7: 390,625, Year 8: 1,953,125, Year9: 9,765,625, Year 10: 48,828,125


3 Year Picture – We will Accomplish this by 2026: 300 Disciple-Makers (People Leading Groups with the Purpose of Making Disciples)


We will Develop 20 Catalytic Leaders (People Starting Groups with the Purpose of Raising up Leaders)


We will use Our 4 Growing Church Hubs: Warren Campus, Traditional Campus, Boardman Campus, and our TCI Campus.


Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at the mintently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” New Living Translation


Mark 9:23 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” New Living Translation